Sunday, May 24, 2015

Use Social Media Effectively To Promote Your Business

Hyderabad: Nowadays, every entrepreneur uses social media to promote their business. But, most of them are lagging behind in using it in an effective manner. Commencing up of a website or blog site acts only as an initial step to kick-off a long journey. You should adequately do Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Optimization to promote traffic to the website. Most of entrepreneurs do not even perform ‘Target Audience Analysis’ before starting a website/blog or making postings in Social Media sites. It is just like sailing a boat with no rudder.

Target Audience Analysis makes your promotional activity effective and fetches you quality leads, which enhances success rate of converting leads into sales.   Here begins another step of business promotion. “Getting more number of leads or even quality leads cannot ensure success of your business. You should maintain a database of leads and nurture them on timely basis” opined Siddharth Rajsekar, co-founder of Scion Social.

Following are some of the tips he shared with entrepreneurs from Hyderabad, while addressing a workshop on ‘Social Media Strategy For Business’ on Saturday at Ebony Boutique in Hyderabad.
·  Pay attention about the details of the person who has viewed your profile.
·  Build your network daily, according to a strategy.
·  After building a network, try to nurture it on timely basis. You should engage it with some kind of activity.
·  Do not try to sell anything directly but, promote about utility of your product.
·  Make daily postings in social media sites.
·  Try to make use of free ad sites.
·  After getting a lead, make adequate follow-ups by either mail or phone call or both.
·  While writing about anything, use qualitative rather than quantitative expressions.
·  Make heading of your posting attractive and catchy.
·  Follow Market Analysis Tools like Google Trends and pick-up hot issue and try to relate it to your business promotion activity.
·  Ensure that your content contains some emotion and call to action. Keep in view that people usually show interest in content which contains some humour.
·  Make your posting during right time such as early morning, afternoon and late night.
·  Allow visitors to share your content on other social media sites.
·  Maintain an email letter chain to prospects.
·  Make your website or blog mobile friendly.
·  Use Google Analytics and other analytic tools to track traffic statistics of your website or blog.
·  Integrate your business blog in your official website.
·  Syndicate your posts across multiple social marking sites.

During his lecture, he emphasized more on the usage of Linked-In and shared following tips to use Linked-In effectively.
·  While building a network in Linked-In, it usually accepts 6 degrees of separation between two account holders. Hence, to develop high quality and potential circle, connect to either potential clients/leads on LinkedIn or to a connection of potential client/lead.
·  If you connect to a right person, you will be found by right people.
·  Most of the people neglect their personal profiles on Linked-In. It is not a simple mistake but, a blunder. Detailed personal profiles create interest and curiosity among readers about future postings of the promoter.
·  Optimize usage of buzz words in your summary.
·  Do not go for premium accounts unless your business is a larger one.

For further details, you can reach Siddharth Rajsekar @

During the workshop, participants attended various practical exercises to assess their social media entrepreneurial abilities. 15 selected entrepreneurs who attended the workshop thanked Vikramh Komirishetty, founder of Yogen Fruit, and Priyanka Suryaneni, from Pensar Creations, for conducting the meeting.  

By S. Chandrashekara Reddy, M.Tech.(CSE),

CSR News Services, Hyderabad.  

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